Tea with added Krust

By KrusTea

Stupid procrastination.

I've been 'about to' write up minutes from last week's meeting. I've been About to for about 3 days now. Today, though, Procrastination has been taken to a new level. We could have held the meeting 3 times in the time that I've done other things.

So, I tidied this desk, filed away a Crap-load* of papers / bank statements and stuff, shredded some things, changed the note-pad under the keyboard, ate fruit (! - Yeah!! I know !!!) cleaned part of the kitchen, went and had an eyetest, tidied out several email accounts, set up and sync'd Outlook, promised myself all sorts of things as a Reward. And yet not a minute is written.

*technical term for over 100 letters

OK, it has to be done. I'm going in.............. (at least now - the 3rd blip picture - shows that I've at least opened the right files.)

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