Waiting to warm up

Had a busy but good work day.  Useful catch-up with my boss this morning, and with my direct report this afternoon - after I'd had a nice sunny, cold and crisp walk over to the heath (and then a quick catch-up with Char and Mags).  The ponds were frozen today, not surprisingly given how cold it's been, and the ducks looked like they were just waiting for it to warm up.  I spotted the Egyptian geese and their goslings again today, too.  Only five goslings now - I wonder if the other three may have perished, but continue to hope they might have just been having a nap (that turned out to be true last time I wished it!)

Worked until around 7pm, then stopped for a long weekend (Tim and I have taken tomorrow and Monday as leave, just to use up some of our annual leave).  

My Mum got her new Motability car today - a veritable bus, that she can wheel straight into on her wheelchair - and my sister took her out for a drive in it.  They both seem very happy with it, which is great :)

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