tempus fugit

By ceridwen


Not here, just a hard frost. I didn't spend much time outdoors.

I went to change my bed linen and plucked a clean sheet out of the airing cupboard.  I found it carried my Russian grandfather's monogram. It looks like AX but in Slavonic script it's actually AC or K.

He died in 1926. Since he left Russia several years earlier and went to live in Switzerland this sheet must be a good deal older than that, assuming it was made in Russia. Later ones don't have the same monogram.

I don't know much about him. He was a member of the gentry, a land owner and a Europhile. He lost everything he owned in Russia in the 1917 revolution but I understand that he bore no resentment and never complained . He said his class  deserved what they got, for their sins and their folly.

Knowing this makes me quite content to sleep between his sheets, old though they are.

He's in the extra, wearing pince-nez.

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