An Osprey with an Attitude

I was riding my fold-up clown bike in the preserve...when something buzzed by my head. It was an osprey carrying a big fish. Even though he startled me...I was hoping he would land close by. He did.

Down went the bike...out came the camera. "Yo...Ollie...can you turn towards the sun?" He did, and he didn't. When he sat up...he was good. When he was picking apart the fish...he went into shadow. After 85 minutes and 697 shots taken...the osprey was still eating.

I've said many times that my first piece of camera advice was..."Get something red in the picture." But...who knew it would be a dead fish? The poor striped fish is a Sheepshead. Good eating...the bird has taste.

I was prepared to post an odd looking seed pod. Especially after it stuck my hand with 2 of which is still in. A sewing needle awaits.

The pods, gulls, and pelicans are on my FLICKR PAGE.

Off for strawberry shortcake. I don't know who's keeping track...but it's my 4th straight night. Peck it into large...only if dead fish don't bother you.

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