
By TBay

On Frozen Pond!

It is quite a long time since the pond was frozen all over but today it was. When we first arrived at the farm and had the hen houses the water in winter froze on a regular basis and we were often found up a ladder with a hairdryer trying to thaw pipes. Gone are those days but this cold snap has seen water troughs and hose pipes freeze. 

We had Harry for a while in the morning as Mrs Tbay Jnr was working. Little Miss was with Miss Tbay doing Ballet and Tap.  Harry’s hand is now bandaged with his fingers out which is much better for him. 

Farming - Mr Tbay Jnr was out muck spreading again near Bath and Pete was also muck spreading, but nearer to home. 

The afternoon was spent watching the England v Italy rugby match, which they won. followed by a much more interesting and tense game between Scotland and Wales, the eventual victor.  See extra of one very spoilt pampered dog snuggled up watching too!!

Our local butchers shop was closed today as the owner has Corona Virus. Not good news at all.

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