February Heart #14

Happy Valentines Day!

Well, luckily.... the Boux Avenue package that arrived a few weeks ago was for me!!! I got new pants!! Well needed!!

Mr W liked his little Huggy Bear. I think. He laughed and gave me a kiss.

I wrote on the garden table and made him stand in the freezing cold for our picture! I didn't get an opportunity to take more than 1 as the memory card was full after 1 shot and he wasn't waiting around for me to sort it out!!!

I do love this man very much but I have to admit... lockdown life is taking its toll. Hes so intolerant of Bella and her anxiety barking and despite spending nearly £300 on a behaviourist, he's gone back to telling her off each time she barks or grumbles at the TV. Of course, telling her off is only going to increase her anxiety.... and mine..... and just makes her bark more but there's no telling him. I wish I could just take her out for the day and give him a chance to miss her. I don't even get to walk her alone as I'm afraid of the rise in dog napping. So for now I'm just constantly on edge, waiting for her bark. That probably doesn't help either. Its just a vicious circle.

Anyway, valentines day is my day. A bit like my birthday with Hearts everywhere. I'm really enjoying Blip today. xXx

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