San Valentín

Valentine's! The kids have done many a drawing for each other, for us etc etc... Nate insisted on wrapping each and every picture, ha!
We had to take some books to the prison, so we went for a walk in the countryside nearby. The kids collected loads of flowers which are now in jars beside their beds. We got home and Danny was very long suffering and patient when I asked him to do a confetti photo.
Out for some 'exercise' with Jud and, a long walk. Soooo good to see them in the flesh and talk as we walked for a couple of hours.
And now for a takeaway for me and Danny as a treat! Can't wait!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) All the people I love and who love me. 
2) Nate declaring over and over "I like this day!' He has a passion for collecting flowers.
3) Stephen and Todd doing a window stop by, dressed in colourful carnival gear. They fly back to Atlanta tomorrow, so they came to say bye. Hopefully next time they're here it'll be for good. 

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