Nonchalance? Non.

After the Founders' Day Service at St. Michael's Cathedral, we had a lovely afternoon enjoying various aspects of Japanese culture. In Year Five, a professional model came in and wore a kimono. One boy got excited when he heard this and asked in a whisper to me, "Is she going to take her clothes off?" Another boy, on noticing a good-natured squabble between the model and the young man assisting her with the dressing, observed, "They are fighting. They must be married." Pretty astute for a ten year old.

Once the dressing was completed, one of the ladies who helped the model get into her kimono asked the class, "Do you think she's beautiful?" Silence.

"Yes, she is," I replied. A class of little heads turned and looked at me. "What? You don't think she's beautiful? Of course she is." I'm right, aren't I?

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