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By pplnani

A duck and a half

I decided to take my filthy car to be cleaned this morning, so I went to try out a small filling station where a team of Polish chaps do a hand wash. They were absolutely brilliant, they cleaned and polished everything beautifully, even cleaned around the inside of the doors and boot, all for a fiver. I was very pleased with the job but it did feel a bit wierd sitting inside the car while 3 or 4 fit young men washed and polished all around me, I wonder if they do housework ;-))
While I was out I called in at a duck pond. The car park was deserted and all the ducks ( about 25 - 30 of them ) were sitting snuggled up against the wind on a grass bank near the car park. I pulled into a parking space a bit away from the ducks and they totally ignored me, so I was going to get out and take some photos, I grabbed the camera and started to open the door and as soon as the door clicked to open the ducks all leapt to their feet and started running towards the car. It was quite a sight and really unnerved me at first so I shut the door again and they all stopped running and stood still, it was very funny. I hadn't brought anything with me to give them so I felt a bit mean making them run again so I thought I would open the window to get a shot and as soon as the window started to open they all started running again - it made me laugh out loud. I quickly closed the window and they all stopped and just stood looking at me and milling around, I felt so mean I will definitely go back with something for them very soon :-)

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