Tiny Treasure

A beautiful sunshiny day...I’ve even had to turn the central heating back to auto and open the patio doors!

Something you treasure is the theme at Tiny Tuesday today and I knew exactly what I was going to photograph...only it must be in the loft as I couldn’t find it any where!! However I did come across today’s subject whilst looking...the necklace given to me by my parents on the occasion of my 21st birthday. It was a sod to photograph though...I took umpteen different shots and couldn’t get what I wanted! In the end I went back to the first one and fartnarkled with the background to hide all the dust and distractions!!

It’s only about the size of my pinkie finger nail but very solid and quite weighty, the stone being a blue sapphire. Not the most expensive piece I own but treasured nonetheless along with the memories of the party held to celebrate.

Thanks to Pinkhairedlady for hosting this month.

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