
We had a walk at Deeside and round Duthie Park. There were a lot of people in the park and lots of children. Part of this will be because the snow and ice has finally abated, but we also concluded it must be half term as the explanation for the number of children. There was a chill to the wind, especially next to the river.

Last night I attended the condominium meeting for my Italian apartment. Due to Covid it was an on line meeting for the first time, so for the first time I was able to attend. I was the only owner from outside the area to log into the meeting.

The meeting lasted about an hour, nothing controversial was raised. That is unlike the equivalent meetings I have been to in my Aberdeen condominium. It was nice to see my Italian neighbours, particularly as I don't know when I am next going to be able to visit in person. Normally I would be heading over in late March/early April.

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