Things To Make And Do

By Ruthsowandsew


A shot from today that works for Tiny Tuesday, hosted by Pinkhairedlady. 

The theme is something you treasure, and my close vision is certainly something I treasure when it comes to my sewn textile work, in particular when I decide a bit of stitching isn't working meaning it needs to be laboriously unpicked by cutting through the stitches with a pair of nail scissors and pulling out the unwanted threads with tweezers, as happened today with the bit of light coloured stitching on this. I try not to do this too often as something that took seconds to sew with the machine can take considerably longer to remove! 

Despite being a lot nearer to 50 than I would like, my close vision is still pretty good, my glasses are varifocals but I just look over the top of them so I don't think I actually need them to be. On the other hand my distance vision seems to be getting worse (and it's never been great) - probably hours of peering at recalcitrant sewing and my phone. One of the first jobs when things feel a bit safer covid-wise will be to get to the opticians and hand them sickeningly large sums of money for new glasses as I definitely need them. 

Ps bonus blip is the finished piece sans the offending stitches.

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