Like it’s Rosie’s birthday

Rosie has one walk a week with Rosie the dog walking lady. This month I thought it was all on the Thursdays so after morning yoga (when Linzi the yoga lady wondered at the end what she had been thinking of to make it so hard), we went to the lovely low tide beach for a goodly walk, run, paddle and swim (I just did one of those things). Then home, rub down, jumper on (all Rosie the dog) and a settle down for a good sleep. When obvs, Rosie the DWL arrived and Rosie the dog had to jump up and run out for a second outing. She was home by just gone 11, climbed back into her chair and stayed there until gone 3 without moving.

All my fault getting the days wrong obvs. I think she had a lovely morning.

And crispy duck pancakes for tea followed by actual pancakes. A celebration day all round.

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