Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck


Our younger grandson aged 9. As a baby, at 5 months, he would punch me when he woke on my chest, as I took him under my wing for one day each week. He has a feisty temperament, possibly bordering on the edge of the "Spectrum." Consequently he is unpredictable, loving and adores animals. 

Dan has a new skill, discovered by his teacher during lockdown, as he is still able to be schooled. This lad loves Chess. He is a tactician, can see many moves ahead and applies those techniques during gaming sessions online or at paint-balling sessions and especially playing rugby. He will observe, calculate and send his team where he wants them. Not Montgomery or Schwarzkopf yet but he's getting there. 

In the main picture he has gone somewhere else, in the extra he has allowed me to make him chuckle. I love him. 

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