
Its been a busy day.  The weather was unexpectedly bright this morning as I headed out to a supermarket to pick up some preordered items.  I decided to take advantage of the change in location and the mild almost sunny weather to go for a short walk along the riverside.  At first I stopped to take photos of a cormorant on a tree stump overlooking the water and managed to get very close.  I was then distracted by several clumps of snowdrops and didn't hear the bird fly off.  

As I drove home it started to rain and the weather slowly deteriorated.  Its now back to wind and rain.  The afternoon was spent trying to find some photos for the photo clubs competition, I have until last thing tonight.  It was also the clubs mix and match competition where we divide into two teams with a set number of photos and play a game of trying to match each others image played.  A point for a match and a point to the judges favourite.  It was a close thing and a fun evening.  Now back to the images.

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