
By Angi


Well, what a blip nightmare!

Since putting Photoshop on our old laptop, the computer has struggled with processing any images from my camera. Spent quite a few hours over the past week trying to upload photos from my camera with the laptop crashing every time. It then decided every time I switched the computer on to put every picture I had taken so far on the desktop, even those from the recycle bin!? It was over 1000 pictures and each time I switched the computer on I had to delete them. Then they would come back next time I switched it on! It wouldn't let me save any pics to a folder and then crashed when I tried to upload any photos to the desktop. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I was very frustrated and angry.

I have had to delete lots of pics permanently from the computer and I have had to buy 2GB of RAM. What a nightmare. I am now trying to only take a few pics a day so that my computer can handle it. It's really frustrating when you don't know how to fix something but know that it is fixable and that if you knew how, you could do it. I'm not the most patient of people so the camera and computer heard a few swear words!

Anyway, not sure if you are allowed to back-date pics as the whole point is it is a daily journal? Am I breaking blip rules doing this?

I have been taking pictures daily still and the one I got yesterday was a very large spider. I used to be ridiculously scared of spiders to the point I wouldn't put a coat on until someone had turned it inside out for me, wouldn't get into bed without taking all the covers and pillows off and shaking them first and wellies were a big no no. Someone would have to put their hands in at least twice to prove there were none in there! I had hypnotherapy last year as I realised how irrational it was. The whole process was very strange and it brought back memories of spiders I didn't know I had but ones that completely explained/justified my spider fear. Funny that your mind can just block memories like that. Basically, it was a big deal for me to get close enough to take this picture so wanted to share it with as many people as possible.

Just noticed I have had 666 views on blip - is someone trying to tell me something? Should I just give up blipping now? Ha ha!

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