
Rory was just a baby when I first met his mum at baby massage with Xander. We have been friends ever since .
He is so good with Harp and she says he's her best friend. I love this photo of them both. Harp doesn't play this way with anyone, and I have to ask her if I can huggle her. Me and my friend sat on the porch in the rain and cold but it was so good to catch up. Because we're so sociable and don't see anyone we both get verbal diarrhea and never know when to stop .

The Wildlings have had a good day. Xander has had a much better day today than the last two. He really doesn't want to go back to school on Monday but I will just put him back in full day's and suffer the meltdowns when he comes home .

I have stripped my bed and changed the bed from cream to blue and I bet Mr R won't even notice. Just like he never noticed that I chopped my hair off yesterday. Lol.

The Jedi is stressing me out with his new climbing ability. I have put play mats down by the sofas but now he can climb on Harp's bed. I make sure Lincoln's step's are pushed under his bed so he cannot climb up there . As long as he's still in one piece by the end of the day.

Another star wars painting was done since I was up half the night

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