All lined up......

A better nights sleep.......I left hub dozing whilst I went to fetch breakfast. I had to get a move on as the lady who is coming to collect our old window blinds was due by 10am.

All went to plan....she was pleased with her aquisition and brought us a packet of polish biscuits by way of a little thankyou.

Whilst I was waiti for hub to emerge, I sorted out a refund with Amazon that had been a bit tricky to resolve. The goods had never been delivered but in order to trigger a refund you have to first return the goods....not easy when you never received them. Anyhow all sorted now.

We took a little trip out in the car as we needed a couple of things, first stop was Costa......hub waits in the car whilst I mask up and get our order, only problem was Id left my credit card wallet at home and hub hasnt been bothering taking his wallet with him, so an about turn! Luckily its only 10 mins......I quickly nipped into the house, wallet not where I thought Id left it, not in the kitchen either, nor the bedroom ??? Back to the car, checked my bag again......someone had put it in there whilst I wasnt looking!!!! I could have said Id found it indoors, but I didnt and owned up to being a dozy mare lol!! Back to Costa, spotted granddaughter Emilys dad and his partner en route, I knew where they were going too, and sure enough they ended up behind me in the queue. They came to say hi to hub by the car window, with their masks on, he was pleased to see them. I quickly went to get the bits we needed, then back home for lunch, which was a cuppa soup and a tuna and cucumber sandwich.

Not really sure what happened to this afternoon, it just passed by amidst various odd jobs, cooking, jigsaw and a bit of faffing for Abstract of the weekly tasks I do now is refill hubs weekly medication containers. When Id opened them all and lined them up, thought their shape made a nice interesting image, after a little bit of tweaking, perfect for Abstract Thursday theme.

Tonight we have had a roast chicken dinner, yes I know its Thursday but what the hell ;-)
Hubs been a bit preoccupied today, hes ok though....done his walking around the house.
Tomorrow he has an MR scan of his head before seeing his consultant on Monday, so maybe that is playing on his mind, he says not :-/

My team played tonight, a good win too... typical not on tv when they play well !

I am so grateful to you, know who you are :-D
My fund raiisng total continues to rise! If youd like you can help by clicking this link.

The end of another week is upon us already!
Hope youve all had a productive and safe week, take care folks!

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