and through the wire...

By hesscat


What are they like? A few days ago, Arlo decided he would sit on the sofa just out of the blue. We had already discussed this and decided not to let him do it, cos one day we may get a new one :-0 (sofa not dug). But OMG he just looks so cute, Today he tried 3 times in a row and each time I got him down, but I am not sure he plans to stop.

Jess and Molly have also changed their habits, it must be in the air. Last night the both slept on Ms H's bed, never having been in her room at he same time. Jess has also been found sleeping on the snug sofa; for the past 3 years it's been Molly's domain. Yet tonight she choose a box that was too small for her. Whit's goin' on?

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