
By memento

The real reason the screen is smeary... because he doesn't think Mr. M knows which one is Emmo (Elmo)

A greeting of "ai!!" this morning followed immediately by a "baaaa-a-a-a" let me know that the choice of entertainment was The Sheep again. A stroll into the kitchen accompanied by a "eaa!!" informed me that he was hungry. This is great; I no longer have to guess what he needs or wants.

So many new words have joined the almost 2 year old vocabulary: wada (water) his two sisters', grandma's, cousins' and Mr. M's name, lai (light), guy (any male on TV), bai ball (basketball)  

He's outgrown my lap already :( , preferring to sit on the couch, covered with his blanky instead. Sigh. So soon?

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