A real treat

We have been using a coffee pod machine for some years. I've always been frustrated by the used pods despite the fact that the ones I have been using are 'supposedly' compostable. I feel it will be years before they make anything close to compost! After much "umming and ahhing" and "should I shouldn't I?" I finally took the plunge and this beauty has arrived. I chose this model after watching  coffee blogs and YouTube videos. One of my sons has the same model and he has had it 7 years without a problem so that was yet another recommendation. I think it's going to be a challenge to get the coffee just right but I'm up for that! They say practice makes perfect; I'll enjoy the practice.
No long walks today just 45 minutes with Reg on a very wet and windy afternoon, a bit of an icy blast which made us glad to be back home warm and cosy.
I spoke to mum's doctor at the hospital. She will be discharged tomorrow with some strong steroids that will be reduced every 5 days until she reaches her normal dose. It's hoped this will reduce the feet swelling. She has also seen the physio and they should be ringing me tomorrow with some helpful information.
Mum was a bit down about having to stay an extra night but hopefully will be happier tomorrow back at home. That will be another day of full on phone calls, texts and emails arranging for her care to be reinstated and rearranging the assessors visit alongside keeping the rest of the family abreast of proceedings!
Not that I mind, I just want to get it right for her and make her as comfortable and as well looked after as possible.
Life is a challenge but it keeps us alert.

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