
Normous has turned florist today. He was refreshing all our beautiful bouquets of flowers, putting in fresh water and rearranging the flowers to their best advantage. Sadly some of them have finished, but they have been splendid while they lasted.
The new stair carpet has been fitted. Normous ordered it while I was in hospital, determined I shouldn’t slip on the stairs again. He chose well, it looks very similar to the previous one.
At the same time as the carpet was being fitted, we had a cleaner visit. The first time I have had a cleaner (except when I lived abroad but that’s different) and it was such a treat. She already works for a friend of mine and she is a very pleasant person called Jo. She is coming every week. She did a grand job.
With all this going on there wasn’t time for N to cook so he is going to collect fish and chips.

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