
Today I had a wonderfully productive day at the desk, thankfully making up for yesterday's lost time. Grace messaged just as I was finishing work and so we walked together which I was grateful for because human company is a delight. The weather was grim but it was good to get my #onehouroutside (still going!). I always like it when I bump into other people on my walks, as it extends the outside time without having to necessarily extend the walk. Today we saw Andrew and Sue outside and seeing them always means we have to go into their garden to see what they've added. Today I was mostly preoccupied with the crocus (I think) plants popping up. Andrew is a man who loves to talk about his garden and today I was thankful for that as I watched the minutes pass on my watch. Can't wait for when being outside is a joy rather than an obligation to a stupid resolution. 

This evening I watched City of Joy on Netflix, which is a documentary about rape used as a weapon of war in the DRC (I know how to choose a Friday night movie). Horrific but recommended viewing. Hard to believe that our lust for new electronics (my lust) contributes to the violence against women in the most horrific ways. 

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