
By DavzoBroon

Especially At Sunset

Woke up this morning with a pain in my chest and back, got an emergency appointment at the Doctor and she says its not related to my heart but that the top of my abdomen is a bit tender. She thinks its a gastric pain so I've to see how it goes over the weekend then take it from there. I have an appointment with my own Doctor on Thursday so hopefully we will get to the bottom of it.

The blip today is off the Pentland Hills, I took this once I had dropped my mum off after taking her shopping. The sun was just dipping down behind the hills. I love the Pentland Hills as they always make a good blip, especially at sunset.

We got Euan's new rugby boots today. Hope he doesn't stick out too much in his first game on Sunday but as long as he enjoys it, that's what matters.

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