A bit of snow left

And just like that it had stopped, and life returned to normal - well, almost normal.. some of us trod carefully and I didn’t walk that night. Third day with no exercise, most unusual.
Online Arabic class with a young Syrian refugee, it was fun. He has teacher potential. There’s a few refugees setting up small enterprises - I want to try the Syrian food. You meet the team at the closest metro for pickup. Sadly there are also refugees posting online for food and clothes. The expat community seems to rally behind them.
A chat with my manager who’s given me advice for my course. She also implied there’s a good chance of my contract being renewed, subject to numbers. Come home, she said. I will - a job in a pandemic, at my age in my industry - time to adult! I’m quite happy here but this is the right thing to do, she says, sadly.
A good class today - they’re well out of their comfort zone with numbers and concepts and language but they did well. Then it was my personal tutor group, essentially pastoral care. I like my Wednesday group because three (favourites) have been with me since our late July start - we hang around after and chat which is nice.
A lecture, Netflix and it was the last episode of the last season. What will I do now?!

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