Essential travel

I had to go on an essential journey to Kilcrohane -  just within my 5km; the excitement was almost too much. There is just one shop in the village and this is it - general store, Post Office and petrol station. You can get most essentials here plus some local goodies. Inside it it rammed to the  rafters with stuff! First stop today - the sanitisation station! I duly squirted and completely missed my hands, most landing on my jeans. The rest of the village was empty.

An uproarious skype with New Zealand where were regaled with an animated version of Incy Wincy spider, followed by a perfect rendition of the alphabet! This in between going on her swing, eating a frozen smoothie and trampolining! All before 8.30am!

And the first part of the tracking the journey of St Gobnait is now live! Go here

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