lrjlo - Suburban Explorer

By lrjlo

Finally the weekend

Today really dragged at work. I couldn't wait to get out of there. I had some really repetitive boring tasks to do and towards the end of the day I have to confess I was just opening and closing spreadsheets to look busy rather than to read them. It was grey and drizzly so not really a day for outdoor photography.

I went to my parents' house after work. They've just come back from a holiday in Sicily and brought me this interesting looking pack of shrink wrapped sun dried tomatoes. I'm looking forward to trying them. We made an apple crumble but forgot to take a photo before we ate it... Oops! It was very yummy. I should maybe explain about the tomatoes that I'm quite hard to buy gifts for as I don't drink alcohol and find chocolate and such things hard to digest. So tomatoes is a good choice.

I borrowed a tripod and a radiator key from my dad. I've not really used a tripod much, I'm too impatient and like to move around quickly, but I thought I might try it out and my dad isn't using his much at the moment. I also borrowed the radiator key and discovered that several radiators in this house are 90% air. It's a task I'd seen my dad do many times but not done before myself, so that's another life skill to add to the list.

Tomorrow I have to go to the dentist. I'm hoping to get some photography time in as well. I should also tidy up some stuff. I always seem to have too much stuff, I don't know where it all comes from. A fair bit is stuff from my parents' house and I should decide whether I want it and if not, get rid of it. I just lack the motivation to do anything about it and instead try to avoid the problem by sleeping or going out.

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