Street Corner

I live on the corner of Kathleen and Alice Streets. This is the morning sun coming up over the hills, into our valley and through my living room windows at that corner. Another few inches of snow sticking on the trees overnight. The Village plow came through at 6 a.m. instead of 4:30. Must be he had a sleep in.
"Give us this day our daily snow"... it is just one of those winters.
Matt, a kindly parishioner, who also worked in my garden this past summer, came by and surprised me by shoveling the extra snow off the deck and opening the driveway. He noticed it was getting high deep. What a snow angel he is! My scheduled shoveling is on a Tuesday or Thursday by Jessie, the librarian.

I have not been taking so many blips during our permanent/year-old  isolated living because it is only snow and it is boring me.  And the new kitten, of course, that gets my attention. At least we have sunshine this morning!
These photos are taken from inside. Today started at 3ºF or -16ºC. No inclination to  dress up and go outside when I can stay in and blip through the windows.

EXTRAS: 1st is sunlight along Alice St. side.  2nd is the back garden with snow stuck on the apple tree. There were several doves hunkered down there, but they moved when I came to take their photo.
I notice with envy that several Blippers are showing their spring flowers, or summer flowers in the southern hemisphere. We really do not go into spring until the 20th of March equinox. Even then we could have more snow. Am I getting tired of this? Yes, just about, although when I look out at today I still think it is beautiful.

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