Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Not my dog ....

Not my dog is like my dog but he lives next door .
Code name NMD . He features heavily on my Instagram along with my real dogs and my cats and my waifs’n’strays ..... l

I also use Instagram as a blog to remind myself of other stuff not just the one photo a day here .
I love blip ( although I did have two lengthy breaks ) because of the camaraderie .. I have been incredibly fortunate to inflict myself upon rather a lot of blippers in real life and THEY INVITE ME BACK !!

Anyway back to NMD .. he’s one of the rescues from the place I foster for , next door have been owned by him for about 7 years I think it is ... this is him savaging my hand ( gently taking low fat salmon bite ) when we sat out the front with the neighbours this afternoon.

Garden coming along nicely as the weather was reasonable and we have nothing better to do.

Thank you SO very much for the comments and likes and favourites for the blanket yesterday... I’ve got a baby blanket I’m finishing as a gift to blip soon xxxxxx

my Instagram is the_withers_daily
I think that’s it anyway .......

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