
By Wildwood


March has certainly come in like a lamb. We got out our short sleeve t-shirts and sandals today and headed for the nursery. It took OilMn two hours to dig a 5 gallon size hole and plant a plant in it. Our soil is apparently rocks embedded in clay, which probably explains why we have so many agaves and other desert like plants. His new battle cry at the nursery is..."small plants!". At least there are no gophers.

With any luck, we have signed our last official papers relating to the sale of our house. We had to go to the bank in Oakmont, a kind of time warp community down the road for retired people, to get our signatures notarized. The only people younger than us were the bank employees.

The cherry trees are in full bloom now, looking just like cotton candy--a beautiful light foamy pink. There are big clusters of daffodils growing along the roadside as well as in peoples' gardens. The quail are coming out of their hiding places in the bushes and brazenly rummaging around on the ground under the bird feeders. They must be doing quite well for themselves because they are very fat.

OilMan gets credit for today's blip. I was cradling my grandmother's clock in my lap after we picked him up from his spell of "re-education" at the clock shop and was unable to move when I spotted a row of rusting farm equipment across the road. Risking life and limb, he ran across the highway to snap a couple of shots blind because of the glare on the camera screen. I rather liked the classic illustration of perspective with the lines of the fence, the telephone wires and the rusty machinery meeting the line of the horizon.

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