
By Paladian


We went down to Brownhill Creek again this morning - and it was just delightful. There was a "gathering" of about 30 young people making a skateboard movie. Some of the adults had serious cameras, but we didn't hang around. We were aiming for a spot about a kilometre further up the road, parked the car, and struck off up one of the trails.

It was just heaven. A little bit more water in the Creek from our recent rainfall, which freshened up the pools nicely. I think I caught a glimpse of a water rat slipping into the water, but I couldn't be sure. I know I saw something small swimming away at a distance. Lots of birds in treetops, bees (blue banded and otherwise) butterflies, and of course my target for the day - dragons.

This was the best of the "in flight" ones that I took. They don't hang around for very long, and I'm not as quick off the mark as I once was.

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