
By rower2012

Wearing out the wings

Today we went for a walk up a track leading off from the Brownhill Creek. I was not sure if I would find a blip for myself as I am not such a bug and insect lover as Paladian. However while she was catching her breath taking a drink, I took over the camera with its near permanent fixture, the 100mm lens!

I spotted this rather ragged looking female monarch butterfly, feeding on a wild cowpea. This is the underneath view. It was not showing its head so I went with this shot, showing how the wings wear out quickly as summer progresses. They have a short life cycle and I feel that this one is near the end of the road.

Monarchs are foul-tasting and poisonous due to the presence of certain substances in their bodies which the caterpillars ingest as they feed on milkweed. This makes the monarch butterfly safe from most predators.

I would love to blip a caterpillar beginning pupation - now that would really be something.

Seen better in large.

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