Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Good days

Reuben preparing for Dr Seuss' birthday tomorrow.

Have had the most amazing couple of days. Two letters received within minutes of each other, the first announcing the project I'd been part of, Kids in the House, the definite parenting resource on every subject from special needs to single parenting, divorce, diapering, you name it. It's the brainchild of producer and entrepreneur Leana. will launch in the Spring of 2013 with over 7,000 educational parenting videos from over 400 parenting experts from all over the country. She is also developing a television show with the BBC based on the same concept.

I've just watched my videos for the first time and whilst I feel I'm a bit dorky, I do know that collectively, I've been part of something amazing, as a contributor on special needs parenting. Can't wait for the launch date.

And in other news. Big news. A few weeks ago I was delighted to attend what I thought was a second audition for Canon. Well, it turns out it was no audition at all, but a full scale media production, lights, camera, action and the Red Carpet. That, I guess would create the required impact of amazement in the cast members. So then yesterday, a letter came through from the casting director in New York representing Canon and their campaign to say I'd made the cut and that my footage is to be used for their campaign, the subject for which is completely under wraps. He then went on to ask me how I'd like to be paid. Ah the irony it'll happily for me end up back in Canon's pockets.

It was a very good day...

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