My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Homemade jammy dodgers!

Yesterday afternoon L and I baked from her baking subscription box (number 2 of 6). These biscuits have mushed dates and apricots in them along with chickpea flour and other fancy stuff to make them more healthy and we even made the jam!

L wasn’t keen when she first tried one but I resorted to a little peer pressure and took a couple to her school at pick up time... one for her and one for her best friend (I colluded with A’s mummy beforehand in case of allergies). A woofed it down and then L did too! Hooray! My plan worked so well that she asked for another when we got home!

Popped L down to the dentist for her regular check up too and she passed with flying colours.

Looks like we’re two weeks away from returning to work properly rather than remote teaching. Will be strange but a blessing in the long run. Just hope it’s the end of all this Zoom lesson malarkey.

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