Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling


Hmm, I thought I might get out for a few minutes in the lovely sunshine that developed as the day progressed.  Unfortunately, I was at work and expecting an engineer's visit, who finally turned up just as the sun set.  In the end I was resigned to yet another E.B.

In the evening we watched the Prime Minister's presentation of our path out of lockdown.  I can understand why he gave indicative dates, but should things not go as well as hoped there will be  some disappointment.  Positive cases still remain stubbornly high and the rate of reduction is slowing.   Hospital patients with Covid still remain at similar levels to the peak of the first lockdown and we should remember we only came out of that lockdown in July last year.  The hopes of a greater normality rest on the continued roll out and take up of the vaccine and all in our communities maintaining a responsible attitude to the restrictions that will remain in place for some time to come.

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