
By Laudergirl

Sad day

Today should have been a happy occasion celebrating our 47 wedding anniversary but instead Mum Puss  has had to be put to sleep.  She was a feral cat who, over the years, became partially domesticated but lived in our garden area and her home was a box under the garden bench.
We had cared for her, and her two daughters, for over 15 years and she must have been about 17 years old and had out-lived her daughters.
The RSPCA called and took her to the vet.  She had apparently been hit by a car and had spinal injuries.  The last few days her mobility had reduced and this probably led to her failing to avoid cars. Old age!!
She will be missed and no doubt I will still look out the window to see if she is sitting in her usual place.  - Sad day.

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