Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Eyes right!

No idea what had caught their attention. But I loved the colourful look of the woman on the right, it is wonderful to see all the blues and reds. I smiled too at how her feet were swinging off the ground like a child’s. The secret of life is to stay young...

The new camera is perfect for street photography as it is so discrete. I think I might call it Danny (as in De Vito) because it is small, powerful and great fun.

Beautiful day. As well as going out for a walk I spent ages in the garden, getting ready for the summer. The neighbours were out in force with their children, playing happily. Wonderfully uplifting. 

This evening Strider and I watched a live Spectator event with the historian Robert Tombs, which was very interesting. They only took half a dozen questions from the public and Strider’s was one of them. I was very proud, it sums up his intelligence perfectly to be picked in that way.

Bags of energy today. Such a contrast with the last few days.

Good day. More please.

PS on the downside Strider locked me in the garden and I nearly died of hypothermia, malnutrition and loneliness...

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