Nature’s Ear

It was a mixed up day, emotionally. I think I’m a little menopausal which is not helping, but I found the government’s schedule for easing lockdown depressingly drawn out. Yet another event has fallen by the wayside and rescheduling it at all has come into question, much to my dismay. Posturing and politics seem to be coming into play on that, as well as on another Scouting matter, which has got me down. I was sufficiently unimpressed by some power hungry individuals that I left their emails to stew and went out for a walk with Reggie and my camera instead.

That was a good idea. I found many lichens, mosses, tree barks & twigs... all in the sunshine, and Reggie sniffed about patiently while I photographed them. I didn’t get done what perhaps I should have, but I came home far happier.

I find that taking my troubles out to Nature has the effect of reducing their importance.

I should also say that the first official opening of the Welwyn Food Rescue Hub this morning was a big success. 73 people came and rescued food so all the fruit, veg, flowers, cakes & snacks went. I was on the bakery stall and whilst I shifted a lot of it, some hostels and a pig farm will take the rest. You’ll see a picture in extras - that was just half of what we had available for rescue so you’ll understand why we couldn’t shift all of it! The amount supermarkets daily throw to landfill is shocking. So glad we are saving some of it.

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