Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Bad night

We had an awful night for the first time in ages. I got in from work at 12.45 and was in bed for 1, then Henry woke at 1.30 and would not go back to sleep properly. We took it in turns to settle him, he would sleep for 5 minutes then wake up again and want us there. I suggested that I took him in the spare room but Neil pointed out that when I start nights tomorrow Henry won't sleep at all if he expects me to come in and sleep with him.

In the end I took him into the spare room, cuddled him until he was asleep then left him there. It's a low double bed so he wasn't going to roll out and he can get down from it by himself. Hopefully tonight will be better!

Henry and Neil had a lads n dads haircut at 7.30am (ouch!) and Henry was great, didn't cry again, then we had a quick trip to Asda and he loved sitting in the trolley. I loved the still-warm tiger bread which we go for breakfast - yum!

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