Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Irish Seeded Soda Bread

When we went to the Growers Market last Sunday week we bought a loaf of Seed Soda Bread from one of the stallholders.  It was absolutely delicious so I decided to do some Googling to see if I could find a similar type of recipe.  This is the result and I've made three loaves so far.  It's so easy to make and yet so SO delicious.  There's no waiting around for the loaf to rise, you just mix all ingredients and wack it in the oven :)  We're on our way to Victoria tomorrow via Canberra and I'm really excited about meeting up with the Granddaughters in Melbourne next Thursday. Because of the border closures it is just over 12 months since I've seen them so it will be just wonderful if all goes well and we can see each other again.

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