
By strawhouse

Double Yellow Lines in the Rain

I will stop taking photos of the double yellow lines as I walk into town but it's so tempting when there's no traffic.
Mr K was thrilled when I said we had to walk to the post office and never mind the weather. It was absolutely chucking it down when we set off and never really let up.
We dropped off my parcels and bought a stamp to send off the refund cheque we got from the DVLA for Marshall being off-road. Small consolation!
The walk back up the hill was pretty grim - I was boiling, sweaty and soaked. Nice!
The news today was full of something other than Coronovirus today which made a nice change. Harry and Meghan are staying in California and will no longer be working members of the Royal Family. Wall to wall coverage for hours! You wouldn't think there would be so much to say!

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