Walking Boots

Today we (me and the girls) went for a walk at Whitelees Windfarm, along with Granny, Papa and Snuffles.

Now as you can see Snuffles does not have her muzzle on but I told the girls that they weren't allowed to approach her in case she "needed a finger or 2". They were all good as gold, including Snuffles. The muzzle rule still stands with the kids. This was an exception which was very controlled.

It was lovely up there again today and not as cold as last week although I did have multiple layers on!!

I had lots of lovely pictures from up there but liked this line-up the best.

I had a great night last night and the best bit is I have no hangover today......result!

Johnny's football season started today and guess what......he scored a goal! YES I head you all cheer.......however it was the only goal his team scored in their 3 matches. Never mind son there is plenty of time!


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