Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

A walk in the woods...

Another beautiful day and another walk in the woods.  Today seemed just that little bit warmer and the birds were loving it.  As we walked along this 2 mile waterside and tree path the silence was broken by the 'tweet-tseet-tseet' of hidden blue tits, the squawking of disturbed Blackbirds and the distinctive rapid fire tic-tic-ing of Robins when we trespassed on their territory.  

Even the trees were making that ticking noise as they warmed up in the mid-day sun.  Wild daffodils were poking through last years dead leaves, the tall snowdrops still visible and reaching upwards. 

We passed the farm contractors yard and he'd been stockpiling something that smelled of farmyards.  I don't know what it was but I think fertiliser covers it.  The pile was about fifteen feet high and the soil mixture was black and loose.  I wish I could get a load or two of that!  The tractors were busy hauling it down from nearby fields.  I Blipped a pic of the tractor last Friday and the back of that shed is no longer visible.  

There's always a downside and today it was the ever thickening mud, squelched into a runny thick batter mix by the feet of lockdowners escaping the world of daytime antique shows and inane quizzes.

The Daily Express website says we can expect severe gales, snow and ice next week - but they've been saying that since last June.  I suppose if they say it often enough they'll get it right eventually.

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