
By Upoffmebum

Maggie bathing

Weather's a bit hotter today, the bird-bath's just been cleaned and filled with fresh water, and the rainbow lorikeets are having a ball bathing in it - first one for a solo bath, with the others watching nearby, then two or three more when the vibe was right.
Then suddenly, out of nowhere, this lone magpie drops in for what became a prolonged water frolic. I was stuck with a short telephoto lens at the time, but that was fine because the magpie was quite close, looking straight at me, and clearly in the bath for much more than a quick dip - full head dips, tail-wagging half-turns, water-shrugging double-wing flutters with a short warble. No water move left unturned, and all while I was standing less than 2 metres away.
Doesn't seem to happen like that very often with birds - they can be so flighty! - but all in all a very lovely, privileged moment.
I know you're not supposed to, but now I'm so sorely tempted to start feeding this Maggie and his rowdy mates, in  the hope of getting a reprise performance.

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