Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench


The neighbours working sheepdog BossMan finally managed to chew down the top of the fence to spy Thumper, after years of Mr T's meows taunting him. So we softened the edges to give him a nice chin rest so he can also snoot boop our dogs and drop his ball over so we can throw it back for him to chase.

Glorious day, and continuing our renewed focus to help let the recent blessing of sunshine help heal sore hearts and struggling minds, the four of us walked round the timeless Bridge of Balgownie, upstream along the Don, through a Spring fresh Seaton Park and back to Bridge of Don to garden visit my folks. What a gift of a walk and a day. Mum and Dad were on good form.

Dropped off a sentimental gift to Kim on route, two more to drop off to others next week.

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