Meet Me at the Feeder

Our Goldfinches, Pine Siskins, Purple Finch and House Finch seem to be quite content with eating together. Oh, they are all jockeying for position and chasing each other off; however, they are happy to eat on the same feeder if there is no one else trying to take their place. The bird that is missing from this shot is the Purple Finch, at least that is what I think; I have trouble telling the Purple & House finches apart. 

I had no side effects from that 1st Covid shot, not even a sore arm. But I am feeling very different emotionally; I didn't really think I was anxious or worried, but how I feel this morning is literally very different than two days ago. I feel a joy, a visible peace about me; I am grateful to be on the road to a "normal" life again.    It is an overcast afternoon, dreary outside, cold but not raining or snowing here.......but lots of snow in the mountains yesterday and today......2 feet of snow is predicted. I know my grandson and a friend went snowboarding; I sure hope the roads were safe enough and that he took his tire chains. I will check in with him tonight to see if it was fun. I can't help but worry a little when the kids are on adventures; perhaps it is because I have always been very cautious, or maybe afraid, to do anything that was potentially dangerous.... except maybe snorkeling...... I never had fear of that.

February is a short month, but wow, it sure has flown by. Tomorrow is the last day already and March is here Monday. It is hard to believe we have been restricted by Covid scare for over a year......absolutely no air travel for a year.....the year before we had taken way too trips for me......but I didn't really want to cut back this much.  :-))) 

Be safe my Blip friend. Enjoy whatever you can right now. Let's cautiously plan for a year of less fear and restrictions in the future.

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