The last sunrise of February 2021.

7.12 a.m. Sunday. Frosty beginning.
Birdsong outside including a song thrush, blackbird, robin.
Twittering sparrows, harsh crows, and roo-cooing wood pigeons.
I can also hear the woodpecker drumming.
Another beautiful day has already begun.
Yesterday we actually all had a picnic lunch in the garden. And most of the day was spent outside out there.
I gather hoards of people felt the same thing and flocked outside to open spaces, and really who could blame them. (I only offer that as a comment on how they must have felt, we all know the risks) ........ this 3rd Lockdown has been the hardest with winter and darkness to traverse.
The police must have had an unenviable job in some of the London parks trying to break up large gatherings, having seen the headlines.
The call of the sun is irresistible at this time of year with spring beginning in snowdrops, daffodils, crocuses, blackthorn blossom, catkins, pussy willow, fat buds on trees, lighter evenings, and warmth in the sun.
We are blessed to have a large back garden, where so many others have none at all.
Blessed to have our health.
Blessed to have good friends and family.
A roof over our heads
And food on our table.

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