
By MikeUSA2020

The Plumbline and Step

While cleaning in my shop today I came across my Dads old carpenters Plumbline and a step stool that my uncle Ron made 70+ years ago... This plumbline was used building the many homes that my dad and grandfather had built over the years... The step stool that Uncle Ron built has helped many reach that one thing that was just out of reach... It was a few years ago that my Uncle Ron passed on to me what the Plumbline Depicts. " The Natural Law"  which supersedes man's laws everytime. (Sir Karl Popper?) in his Toleration & Intellectual Responsibility studies (I have condensed to this conclusion) Human Actions do not always reflect a perfect result; therefore, it is incumbent on us as a society to learn from each others mistakes if we want to succeed.

I would also like to add: 
 Do not be afraid to use that step to reach new heights...

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