Life's tangled skein

By atp

Stirling Bridge

A mobile phone photograph today, edited in Photoshop on a desktop PC.

The reason for it being snapped on a camera phone was that I took it when I was out for a run. My daughter was at ice skating lessons in The Peak, in Stirling, and I went for a run around the place. The weather was glorious - I should really have been out in shorts - and the bridge was looking rather fine in the sunshine.

The Battle Of Stirling Bridge took place in 1297. Scots held the ground to the north of the bridge (the right-hand side of this picture), English held ground to the south. The English tried to attack, and the Scots let them cross the narrow bridge. Once they were across, the Scots took the bridge and attacked the now cut-off English.

This bridge is not the same bridge; this one is from the fifteenth century. But stoneworks have been found just beyond this bridge that may well have been the one that featured in the battle.

I am beginning to see the S2 as a competent photo taker - albeit in a limited range of conditions.

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