Night sky with foreground interest

That’s the theme for next Wednesday’s Photo Group meeting.  That’s all I’ve got so far. And with the forecast for the next few days, that’s as good as it’s likely to get.
I missed my chance for something half decent when we had spring (or was that summer??).  I’ll have to work on something very quickly to avoid extreme embarrassment next Wednesday evening.
Bit of a rushed job this evening.  Spent a large part of the day exchanging emails with Tesco, not directly about the complaint, but asking where information about their policy on the advertised days-before use-by date and delivery of the goods is.  This cumulated with a heated telephone conversation the result of which was being given the information that the information is NOT anywhere on the website!!!  A have wound up with a voucher for my troubles, and the assurance that the misdemeanour  will be passed to higher management.  (And no Blip photo.)
I will now get a bit behind with commenting . . .

ps - looks less bad in large.

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